· Step 3) Under the download list find your DLC you want to install, select it and make sure your PS4 is on, it will start the download. Step 4) The download will finish and the installation will fail (This is okay) LEAVE THIS FAILED INSTALL ON YOUR DOWNLOAD LIST! Step 5) Re-install the game, go back to the install list in notifications and. Answer (1 of 5): No, the DLC isn’t deleted when you take the disc out. It won’t be deleted unless you specifically went out of your way to delete all your game data yourself. Most games on modern consoles involve installing some game data on the console’s hard drive, taking up space on the conso. For games you have DLC for, click on the game then go to the addon section and you can download DLC from there. Also if you do it via the library on PS4 it will also say if the DLC is installed or not (it won't let you download it again if it's already installed).
Answer (1 of 5): I think your PSN account and the disk you bought does not have the same region, e.g. maybe you are in the USA, but you bought a EU disk. In these cases, downloaded/digitally bought DLCs won't work. It is imperative that the DLCs be downloaded from the same region where the disk. Same for me on PS4 I entered the Code from the Season Pass - Gold Edition and it said DLC downloaded / Installed and from that I got the Purchased / Coming Soon Screen So to fix this I went into Playstation Store / Add-ons / Far Cry 6 Insanity DLC / it said Free so I clicked on it and Downloaded, this installed and then it became available from. PS4 console: download games and add-ons. Go to Library and select the Purchased folder. Select the game you want to download. Select Download. To purchase or download add-ons, select the game from your Library and scroll down to PlayStation Store. Add-ons you have purchased are displayed in Your add-ons. Select the arrow icon beside the add-on.
How to Fix PS4 DLC Installed but not in game - PS4 Add Ons Not Working. Close the PS4 Game app restart PS4, Restart PS4, Activate as primary ps4, restore lic. Novem In order to share your Evolve downloadable content with other user accounts on the same PlayStation console, please follow the instructions below. First off, your PS4 has to be activated as your main console for you to share DLC on it. On the console, go to Settings - PSN - Activate as your Primary PS4. Step 3) Under the download list find your DLC you want to install, select it and make sure your PS4 is on, it will start the download. Step 4) The download will finish and the installation will fail (This is okay) LEAVE THIS FAILED INSTALL ON YOUR DOWNLOAD LIST! Step 5) Re-install the game, go back to the install list in notifications and.