· How to check if file has been downloaded with Protractor/Selenium? 0. Configuration: capabilities: { 'browserName': 'chrome', 'chromeOptions': { prefs: { download: { 'prompt_for_download': false, 'directory_upgrade': true, 'default_directory': 'src/test/javascript/e2e/downloads' } } } }, . Answer (1 of 2): Hi Disney, It’s very easy you need to use a package called: exceljs ExcelJS doesnot come along with protractor, so use below npm command to download ExcelJS for protractor to read excel files. [code]npm install exceljs [/code]Please find a sample code for your query: [code]im. · In order to keep the browser's window open you should try running Protractor in debug mode: $ protractor debug file Then in your spec file add this line where you want the execution to stop: bltadwin.ruer(); In the Protractor debugger console, you can step over the stops by typing c or cont.
I download the file with this, bltadwin.ruDashboard(); It downloads the file, but I am not able to check if it was downloaded. It has only count in name, so I can check if it contains count. After all is done I will delete files, so only those files will stay after I download. I did lots of things but could not manage. Protractor needs two files to run, a spec file and configuration file. Configuration file: This File helps protractor to where the test files are placed (specs. js) and to talk with Selenium server (Selenium Address). Chrome is the default browser for Protractor. How to check the version of protractor in Google Chrome? Integrating Protractor with a cloud Selenium Grid is easy, you just have to make changes to specification files as only a config file is required, which will have all the connection information, the hub, and the access key needed to connect to the LambdaTest network.
Protractor is a NodeJS program built on top of WebDriverJs that supports the Jasmine test framework and is used as an end-to-end test framework for testing Angular applications. Protractor extends what WebDriverJs can do by enabling automation and interactions of possible user events on the browser. Answer (1 of 2): Hi Disney, It’s very easy you need to use a package called: exceljs ExcelJS doesnot come along with protractor, so use below npm command to download ExcelJS for protractor to read excel files. it('file download test', = { let filePath = bltadwin.rue('/tmp/' + download-filename); // unlink(filePath); // click on a link by invoking anchor_bltadwin.ru() // at the moment, file download will be done on chrome // with no prompt experienced // wait until file has been downloaded, // (in fact, download can be finished within a sec) bltadwin.ru(() = bltadwin.ruSync(filePath), ).then(() = { // and then expectations here }); });.