The most important desktop features of Facebook are also available on the app, such as writing on timelines, liking photos, browsing for people, and editing your profile and groups. Now you can get early access to the next version of Facebook for Android by becoming a beta tester/5(M). · Facebook (Beta) for Windows By Facebook Free. Visit Site. The Download Now link directs you to the Windows Store, where you can continue the download process. You must have an active Microsoft Operating System: Windows. Download Facebook Messenger Beta APK - Messenger is a messaging application developed by Facebook that provides a large number features.
New Beta Opportunities Every Day. We collect, organize, and offer great beta testing opportunities. We don't publish news or rumors. If it's on our list, you can sign-up, apply, or test today. Choose a Filter. We put together some of our most popular beta filters, so you can easily get to the tests you're most interested in. Create a Custom Filter. Facebook's Messenger Beta app for Windows 10 has received an update, taking the app to version The update rolls out a useful new feature to all Beta users - improved web integration. The new setting, which should now be widely rolling out, reads as follows: Enable web-to-desktop app integrations This setting improves the overall [ ]. The Facebook (Beta) app has some extra functions. (Authentificator, Live video (replay) although live video viewing not possible until it finished. Also the facebook beta app is an ios app converted and none of the facebook apps won't get further updates.
Download the Facebook APK for Android here. Create an account or log into Facebook. Connect with friends, family and other people you know. Share photos. Facebook Beta free download - Facebook Pro, Mozilla Firefox Beta, WinRAR beta, and many more programs. Join the Facebook beta - TestFlight - Apple. Step 1. Get TestFlight. Help developers test beta versions of their apps and App Clips using the TestFlight app. Download TestFlight on the App Store for iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple TV. View in App Store.